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Check VAT Number

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Our VAT number lookup tool will help you:

  • Get information about the company holding VAT code;
  • Date of validation of VAT;
  • VAT number checker will allow your validate provided VAT code.

What is a VAT number?

Every company which is registered to collect and pay VAT has to have a VAT registration number or VAT number. In each country, the number is provided by local tax authorities (for example in the United Kingdom it is HMRC). This number has to be provided on every issued invoice.

The VAT registration number is made between 4 and 15 digits. It starts with 2 letters of the county code and is followed by 2-13 other characters.

In order to follow legal regulations, it is very important to check the VAT numbers and have them validated to each client for transactions to a foreign company. It is the business liability to check a VAT number and validate it, otherwise, the penalties and duty to pay exempt VAT could be applied.

Do I have to check VAT number? What if provided number is not verified?

In European Union, you can use VIES system to check a company VAT number. If the client has provided you with the VAT code and state that it is valid, but you are not able to verify the code via VIES, then you have to request the verification of the VAT code with the tax authorities office in their country.

What is my VAT number?

You can check your VAT registration code or codes (if you are registered in more than one country) on your VAT registration document or by contacting local tax authorities.

UK VAT number can be confirmed with the HMRC assistance.

What is VIES?

VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) is not a database, it is a search engine that is owned and monitored by the European Commission. VIES VAT search is based on a network that connects EU Member States national tax authorities databases – VAT number checker that can verify the indicated unique VAT number.

VAT number search can be done very easily, just by entering the provided VAT code into the system and the validation process will be done instantly.

VAT number UK or DE is called differently in all the countries. Value-added tax names in EU countries:

Country Country code VAT in national language
Austria AT Umsatzsteuer – Identifikationsnummer
Belgium BE le numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée BTW – identificatienummer
Bulgaria BG Идентификационен номер по ДДС
Cyprus CY Αριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α.; Arithmos Egrafis FPA
Czech Republic CZ danové identifikacnķ cķslo (DIC)
Germany DE Umsatzsteuer – Identifikationsnummer
Denmark DK momsregistreringsnummer
Estionia EE käibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimise number
Greece EL Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου ΦΠΑ; Arithmos Forologikou Mitroou FPA
Spain ES el nśmero de identificación a efectos del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido
Finland FI arvonlisćverorekisterõintinumero; Mervärdesskatteregistreringsnummer (momsregistreringsnummer)
France FR le numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
UK GB value added tax (VAT) registration no.
Croatia HR PDV identifikacijski broj
Hungary HU közösségi adószįm
Ireland IE value added tax identification no.
Italy IT il numero di registrazione IVA
Lithuania LT PVM moketojo kodas
Luxembourg LU le numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée
Latvia LV pievienotas vertibas nodokla (PVN) registracijas numurs
Malta MT numru ta’ l-identifikazzjoni tat-taxxa fuq il-valur miśjud; value added tax identification number
Netherlands NL BTW – identificatienummer
Poland PL Numer identyfikacyjny VAT
Portugal PT o nśmero de identificaēćo para efeitos do imposto sobre o valor acrescentado
Romania RO cod de īnregistrare īn scopuri de TVA
Sweden SE Mervärdesskatteregistreringsnummer (momsregistreringsnummer)
Slovenia SI identifikacijska številka za DDV
Slovakia SK identifikacné cķslo pre dan (IC DPH)

Why VAT number is important?

  • Is used to identify tax status of the customer;
  • Helps to identify the place of taxation. By VAT number check we can determine the country;
  • Is used by the companies to follow invoice regulations and is indicated on invoices (except simplified invoices in certain EU countries).

Where you can find company VAT number?

You can find the VAT number on the issued invoice, official credentials, national tax office page and check on our VAT registration number check system or VIES.

Our VAT number check system can verify EU companies VAT codes via API. Use 1stopVAT EU VAT checker to make sure that your clients have provided the right VAT codes or if you have been charged VAT rightfully.

VAT number check the UK will be able to verify European Union companies codes even after the Brexit. UK VAT number check tool will help your business to identify companies with a VAT number in the United Kingdom. It will allow making sure that you follow the regulations and will allow avoiding penalties. Every sale to other companies is required for continuous VAT number lookup.

Check VAT number UK for all your clients and stay tax compliant!

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